Library services: CAVAL Change Champion case study

CAVAL employee

How CAVAL achieved a positive shift in workplace culture and engagement

Established more than four decades ago, CAVAL is a key driver in the global library environment. CAVAL provides benefit to its membership (some of the most prestigious Australian Universities) through collaboration. It also helps the wider library community add value to the teaching and learning environment through its services and solutions.

CAVAL began working with Voice Project in 2019 to conduct an employee engagement survey to gather staff feedback on a range of workplace practices. In 2021, they ran their second engagement survey and the results show they had achieved significant positive changes. CAVAL was recognised with a 2021 Voice Project Change Champion Award with an overall survey score improvement of 14%.

Jaime McCowan, CAVAL CEO, says that CAVAL is committed to listening to the employee voice and values the feedback as it is key to organisational success and sustainability.

CAVAL focussed on the following areas that emerged as a priority and registered subsequent improvements:

  • Leadership and management training

  • Professional development

  • Improved communication

  • Increased transparency between management, leadership, and staff

  • Enhancing employee voice

  • Staff wellbeing

“Staff new to the leadership roles attended external, formal training. More opportunities for internal professional development such as SkillSwaps, internal recruitment for temporary and permanent positions, and participation at CAVAL-hosted events were provided,” Jaime said.

CAVAL implemented a variety of cross-departmental innovation projects improving communication across teams. The appointment of Staff Engagement and Communication Champions, weekly staff meetings, and regular staff newsletters enhanced the overall communication. Additionally, CAVAL supported staff wellbeing through hosting virtual morning tea and wellbeing chats, virtual bingo, and entertainment sessions.

Jaime says: “The variety of new opportunities acted as valuable incentives for staff, who were invited to take part in a way that suited them. From taking on new roles, to getting involved in activities outside their role description, to playing a part in staff meetings. Kudos to our staff for their active contributions. And let’s not forget the initiatives were implemented remotely amidst the challenges of a pandemic.”

Many of CAVAL’s services involve physical items, so at one point there was uncertainty about how the lockdowns would impact the business. However, staff worked together to find ways to deliver material to customers within the government regulations.

“In fact, moving our communication channels online, our connection with members and other library customers strengthened as working remotely allowed for shorter, more frequent meeting opportunities,” Jaime said.

CAVAL is determined to use some of these new methods going forward and continue to foster the positive shift achieved.

Voice Project provides research-backed surveys that measure employee engagement, leadership capability and customer satisfaction. These state-of-the-art surveys help organisations get the best feedback to drive positive change. Voice Project works with organisations across the not-for profit, private and public sectors. Get in touch.